Biblioteca Virtual - Documentos Gobernanza

The Mesoamerican Reef – Reef Restoration Network
Strategic Plan and Action Plan 2021-2026

The Mesoamerican Reef – Reef Restoration Network
Biannual Operational Plan

The Mesoamerican Reef – Reef Restoration Network
Biannual Operational Plan 2021-2023

The Mesoamerican Reef – Reef Restoration Network
Code of Ethics and Transparency 2021-2026

The Mesoamerican Reef – Reef Restoration Network
Protocol for the Exchange of Information 2021-2026

The Mesoamerican Reef – Reef Restoration Network
Financial Sustainability Plan

Marco de Manejo Ambiental y Social para el proyecto Manejo Integrado Transfronterizo con Enfoque de la Cuenca al Arrecife para el Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano, 2016

Acuerdo de Renovación de los compromisos en Torno al Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano en el Marco de la Declaración de Tulum

Reef Restoration Network of the Mesoamerican Reef System
(Mexico, Belize, Guatemala And Honduras)
Statutes for the Operation of the MAR-RRN