Seminar # 8 - Deepwater fish and fisheries in the Mesoamerican Region

Photo: Pixabay

Deep sea fish are well-suited to their cold and dark environment, living beyond 100 meters where we can't easily study them. Some of these fish, like deepwater snappers, groupers, and sharks, are becoming more important for fishermen in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras as coastal species become overfished.

However, deepwater fish grow slowly, reproduce later in life, and are susceptible to overfishing, so it's important to understand their reproductive behavior, lifespan, and growth rates to ensure sustainable fishing practices.

MarAlliance está estudiando estas cuestiones mediante un seguimiento científico con métodos de captura y cámaras de profundidad. Acompáñenos en este seminario en línea de MAR Fund en el que se expondrán los antecedentes de

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la pesquería y las perspectivas de este proyecto en curso.