Acerca de la RRA-SAM

Restoration, conservation, and protection of coral reefs in

The MAR-RRN seeks to be the meeting point between groups dedicated to the restoration, conservation, and protection of coral reefs in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras; in order to exchange experiences and create more close links between us.

General Objective

The general objective of the Mesoamerican Reef Restoration Network is to share reef and associated ecosystem (marine pastures, mangroves, beach vegetation, and beaches) knowledge, experiences, best practices, and methodologies among experts, technicians, scientists, government organizations, non-governmental organizations in the four countries of the MAR region and the Caribbean.

Coral Reefs

What Are Coral

Corals are organisms that develop successfully in tropical seas, they are the builders of the reef formed by sedentary colonies of hundreds or thousands of very delicate organisms called polyps, belonging to the animal kingdom, and are associated in symbiosis with the presence of an alga called Zooxanthella, which lives inside the polyp tissue and is essential for the production of oxygen, and the release of carbon dioxide, among other elements.

About MAR

The Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) is the largest transboundary reef system in the world and contains the world’s second longest barrier reef.

The system stretches across four countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras, along more than 1,000 km of coastline.

Natural Protected Areas (NPAs)

million+ people depend directly on the natural resources of the MAR

Importance of the MAR-RRN

Facilitates collaboration and capacity-building to restore the structure and function of coral reefs and associated ecosystems in the region.

Members of the

Mesoamerican Reef Restoration Network

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