1997 Tulum Declaration

The Mesoamerican Reef System presents one of the most viable and transcendent opportunities on the planet to execute a multinational conservation project on an ecosystem of global relevance. The four countries that make it up, aware of this importance, met in 1997 to build an initiative that would highlight the ecological values of the MBRS and the importance of its conservation.
On June 5, 1997, World Environment Day, in the City of Tulum Quintana Roo, Mexico, the Presidents of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and the Prime Minister of Belize signed an agreement known as the Tulum Declaration. This agreement promoted the conservation of the reef system through its sustainable use, the establishment of links of joint work between authorities and promoted the development of cooperation programs and projects, setting a historical precedent in conservation matters.
Agreement for the Renewal
1997 Tulum Declaration
The Presidents of the United Mexican States, of the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras, and the Prime Minister of Belize meeting in Panama City, Republic of Panama on July 11, 2006. They agreed to ratify the “Reef Systems Initiative of the Mesoamerican Caribbean “signed on June 5, 1997 under the” Declaration of Tulum”. It was also agreed that as of 2007, March 10 would be established as the “Mesoamerican Reef System Day”.

Tulum +20

On December 5 and 6, on the occasion of the 13th meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Cancun, Mexico, the SAM Leadership Program, the Healthy Reefs Initiative and the SAM Fund organized two side events with the objective of reviewing the achievements in the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources in the Mesoamerican Reef since the Tulum Declaration of 1997.
Emphasis was placed on strong partnerships between civil society, local and national governments, academia, international CSOs and regional mechanisms as drivers of change. The current threats to the Mesoamerican Reef were highlighted and the way to adopt the Blue Economy as a path towards well-being was underlined.